How to Grow Your Email List from Scratch

Is your email list basically non-existent? Then it's time to get serious about building your list, boss!

Social media alone is NOT a winning strategy for a thriving & LONG-LASTING business.

In this video, you'll learn the steps to growing an email list of your perfect, ideal clients, including:

  1. Creating an Irresistible Lead Magnet - The first step to growing your email list FAST is having an irresistible lead magnet. Also called an opt-in or freebie, this is a valuable piece of content that you'll give away upfront to a potential client in the hopes of earning their business down the line. The key is it must be valuable to your audience!!!

  2. Creating a High-Converting Landing Page - Now that you have an irresistible lead magnet, you need a place for people to get it. A landing page is where you'll share details about the freebie, who it's for, and what they can expect. It's also where ask for a person to subscribe to your email to get it. This should be the only call to action on the page!

  3. Setting Up Email Automation - Now it's time to deliver that freebie! And this is where email automation comes into play. After a person opts-in to your list, they should immediately receive an email delivering that freebie. This email is the beginning of your "nurture series" that starts to develop the Know, Like, and Trust factor with your new lead!

  4. Promoting Your Lead Magnet - That lead magnet isn't going to get leads on it's own! It's up to you to promote it to your audience everywhere you engage. Facebook, Instagram (posts and stories), YouTube, LinkedIn, in your email signature, or even when you're interviewed on a podcast. Promote it like a champ!

Learn how to attract your ideal audience & nurture them into future paying clients with the Capture + Convert. This step-by-step course will teach you how to build a Lead Magnet Marketing Funnel to grow your email list & foster sales. Grab the entire course for only $37 at


More Instagram Fans Does Not Equal More 💰 Money in the Bank


4 Ways to Grow Your Email List Fast in 2021