Meet the Tribe - Melissa Trelfa

Each week we bring you the story of an incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE. Today we're excited to introduce you to Melissa Trelfa of Stay Balanced Coaching.


What is your business and how did it come to be? I am a Professional Coach. I work with New Leaders, Established Leaders, and Leaders in Transition (those who have taken time off and are re-entering the workforce to those looking to retire or start a new path). I also work with teams to create collaborative environments where teams can flourish and drive organization success. The business came to be out of a gap I recognized when I spent 18 years working in corporate roles. I left corporate and have taken the past 4+ years off to really understand what barriers I personally faced in the organizations I worked for. I believe there is a different way to lead (And develop leaders) than the current model, which is established via a hierarchical, or top down, methodology. My passion is to work with individuals and organizations to create an intentional and purpose driven culture. When we understand our strengths and are intentional with our actions, creativity and innovation thrive. 

What’s the hardest thing about being your own boss? The hardest part for me is the isolation at times. When I get mired in some of the daily tasks it can be lonely.

What’s the best part about being your own boss? I love having freedom! I get to choose my path and that is really powerful. I also love my flexibility. My family is of utmost importance to me and being my own boss allows me to put things on hold and enjoy my time with them. 

How do you balance your personal life with your business business? Balance is something that I embody. It’s also what I want my clients to embody. When we are out of balance, everything suffers. That’s not to say there aren’t times when your focus is more on work than family and vice versa. It goes back to intention. What intentional actions am I taking to balance my priorities. It took me many years to understand that. I was a total workaholic when I was in corporate. And my family relationships suffered. Now, I’m more aware of my energy and where I’m spending time. And I intentionally take steps to balance it all. For example, I get up at 5am so I have 1.5 hours before anyone else is awake to set my day up, write, work, etc. That small practice is very important because I can get a lot accomplished so the evenings are my time to decompress and spend time with my husband and kids. No work allowed!

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How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit? I am a Pilates instructor and am passionate about what pilates does for the mind and body. I also ride horses. Simply being around horses is so cathartic for me- it was my safe space as a child and still offers me comfort. I love the outdoors. In my opinion, people don’t get enough nature!!

How do you keep yourself accountable? I am very goal oriented. So I make sure I have clear goals outlined which can then be broken down into tasks. Each day I start with my “top 5” things that have to get done and I hold myself to that. I love writing and journals so I keep journals and a written calendar.

How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear? When I feel self doubt or fear I usually take a break and do something I love. Like riding, or taking a walk. I reflect on what it is that is getting to me and can usually see that the fear or self doubt is an old “demon” coming out, that it’s not really REAL. If that doesn’t work my husband is my best friend and sounding board, he’s a great person to chat through things with!!

How has a so-called failure actually set you up for future success?  I was fired from a job I loved. A job I gave my all to. But it was all-consuming. And the culture was toxic. It devastated me then. But it is the best thing that ever could have happened to me. It allowed me to step back and see that there are still gaps that exist today for women (as well as people of color, homosexuals, trans-gender). My purpose is to create change that eliminates the barriers that exist. Had I not been fired, I wouldn’t have come to this path. Life is a journey with twists and turns and all of them happen for a reason.

What resources do you love that you think other business owners should know about?  I use Apptivo as a CRM and it’s super user friendly. I use Planoly to plan out my social media posts- it’s awesome and so easy!! I was turned on to May Designs for my journal addiction - you can personalize them so I give them to my clients as gifts!!


What book or podcast are you digging right now? I’m reading Atomic Habits, by James Clear; The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield; Never Split the Difference, by Chris Voss and Joy Seeker, by Shannon Kaiser. All of these are awesome reads!! Podcasts I jump around a lot. Don’t have one that I listen to all the time!

Who is one woman you admire and what you do you adore about her? Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Why? Because she’s a badass! Lol. I admire her strength and resolve to make the world a better place. She didn’t take no for an answer and kept pushing. And today - at age 86 - she’s still relevant and killing it!! I would LOVE to meet her. 

What is one quote or motto you live by? “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi. Don’t be on the sidelines letting it pass by you.  Do something with impact. Leave a legacy. 

What does the world need more of? Open mindedness to other viewpoints. Gender equality. 

What is the best advice you’ve ever received as a business owner? Stay the course. This is a long game, so play it that way.

To connect with Melissa Trelfa directly join us inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE!

She can also be found on her Website and Instagram.

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