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5 Books to Kickstart a Year of Business Badassery

The life of an entrepreneur is anything but dull, in part because the learning never stops.

There’s the “On the Job Learning,” which translates to figuring shit out the hard way. There’s the “Glass Half Full Learning,” which is really redefining a failure or a flop into a beautiful lesson learned. And there’s the “Joyful Learning,” which are all the things like conferences, workshops, and books designed to teach us something desperately need to know to grow.

So today I want to share with you 5 books that are must reads for every entrepreneur, especially as we embark upon the New Year!

In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney

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Profiling over 100 women entrepreneurs, ranging from media moguls to tattoo artists, this book is a powerful reminder that there is no one magic formula for being a successful entrepreneur. The stories are inspiring and the advice is spot on.

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

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Mindset is more than half the battle of being an entrepreneur. So when your confidence is waning or fear is creeping in, Jen will bring you right back down to Earth and remind you that you’re totally F’in perfect right now and it’s time to move boldly in pursuit of your dreams.

The One Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan

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Falling victim to yet another case of Shiny Object Syndrome? When you need to buckle down and get focused, The One Things is a must read. It’s become our bible at Hatch Tribe, helping us choose what gets our time, energy, and people resources. This book is an absolute game changer!

The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

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I’ll admit, I was super skeptical about this book from the beginning. Being an entrepreneur requires hard work and anyone who insinuates otherwise seems like a bit of a snake oil salesman. However, this book delivers strong, practical advice for improving processes, outsourcing things you dislike or suck at, and otherwise asking for help. You might not end up with a 4 hour work week, but you could take a few things off your plate.

A Girls Guide to Surviving the Startup by Hilary Johnson

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Of course I have to suggest my own book! I wrote this book especially for women entrepreneurs navigating the first few years of their startup. This book is chock full of lessons I learned from launching and growing multiple businesses, touching on everything from actionable business advice to support for your mind, body, and soul.

This is just to tip of the iceberg. With so many incredible resources just a click away, it can be a challenge to narrow it down.

But there’s one thing about being an entrepreneur that’s certain - The learning never stops! So keep reading, learning, and expanding your mind.

Wishing you a kickass year ahead!





PS. There is still time to sign up for our Jumpstart Your Year Challenge, a free 10-day experience designed just for kickass women entrepreneurs. Click here to sign up and let’s make 2018 our best year yet!


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