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Meet the Tribe - Morgan Rhodes

We love to bring you stories of the amazing women we’ve come to know through the Hatch Tribe Members Circle. Today we're excited to introduce you to Morgan Rhodes of Morgan Rhodes Lifestyle.

As a child, what did you think you’d do when you grew up?
I dreamed of being an astronaut, a cat veterinarian, and a rockstar with equal passion for all. I’m insatiably multi-passionate. 

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? 
Meditate! My husband and I are doing a 40-day Kundalini meditation practice so we’ve been starting our days out first thing with that Kriya. It’s pretty intense but so incredibly powerful!

Favorite book?
I studied literature in 4 different languages and am a total nerd. I usually have six books going at once so I’ll give you my top favorite fiction of all time!

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Harry Potter by JK Rowling

Favorite podcast?
I love The Rich Roll Podcast & Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations

One Word. What is your life like as an entrepreneur? 
Playful. :)

Tell us about your business & how it came to be.

I help women: de-condition old mental programming keeping them stuck, heal emotional wounds, create immediate shifts and new patterns within themselves that completely transform what they believe, how they act on their desires, and their magnetic ability to receive them with ease & re-code their subconscious minds to support the life, business and relationships they really want. 

Via transformational modalities like Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/Tapping), Clinical Hypnotherapy, T.I.M.E. Techniques, and—of course—business, life and success coaching.

I also lead Yoga + Adventure retreats all around the world and Soulful Business Masterminds for creatives, coaches, + yogis. 

I don’t have some crazy story about how my business came to be. I’ve always just created and studied what I love and my business has been no different. I really just followed the cosmic nudges.

What does a typical day in your life look like?
I do some form of movement and meditation daily. I meet with my amazing clients on Thursday’s and Friday’s, teach beach yoga during season 1-2 days per week, and the rest of my time is spent on either sales + marketing or creating, writing, and learning.

I’m producing a podcast to launch early 2020 and always in some sort of training to stretch myself and master my trade. Serial learner over here ;)

Fill in the blank. I'm on a mission to…
I believe that each and every one of us has a unique path we’re meant to pursue and an innate design we’re meant to live by—but too many of us get caught up in other people’s expectations, say no to our own truths, and settle for lives that don’t excite us. 

I’m on a mission to free women and help them step into their dharma, their life work, and own their magic. <3

Who inspires you to be the best entrepreneur you can be?
My father and husband. We’ve travelled to 3 dozen+ countries and always dreamt of all being remote together. So excited that’s finally a reality! 

How did you handle fear & doubt when it comes up?
Honestly, after all of this deep subconscious work, I don’t struggle with doubt much anymore. I know what I’m worth, see my vision clearly, and I feel connected to joy and peace about 85% of the time. 

When I become frustrated or overwhelmed, I do some intense movement, like HIIT or hit the gym, to clear out the stuck energy. 

What would you say are the top 3 skills or traits needed to be a successful business owner?

  • Alignment: tapped into intuition, aligned with your vision, and being guided from your dharma so you are only saying yes to what’s right for you. 

  • Confidence: unwavering belief in yourself and in your work and the skills to create your own market space so you feel abundant and supportive of others in your industry rather than competitive and scarce. 

  • Resilience: don’t take “no’s” personally, turn rejection into an opportunity, and be willing to show up and do the unsexy work that moves the needle forward in your biz day after day no matter what else is present. 

How do you define success?
Joy, freedom, and leveraging your own privilege and success for those who don’t yet have it. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?
If I had known how transformational NLP was, I would have trained 10 years ago and saved myself a lot of unnecessary struggle so I’d tell myself to go recode my subconscious mind. Shame and fear were running my life. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

To connect with Morgan Rhodes directly join us INSIDE THE TRIBE! Become a member today or join the VIP Waitlist at www.hatchtribe.com/memberscircle.

She can also be found on her Website, Facebook or Instagram.