Hatch Tribe

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Meet the Tribe - Allison Barbera

We love to bring you stories of the amazing women we’ve come to know through the Hatch Tribe Members Circle. Today we're excited to introduce you to Allison Barbera of Allison Barbera Beauty.

As a child, what did you think you’d do when you grew up?
I had a whole slew of dream jobs, but the one I remember most was “Professional Organizer.”


What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my phone to make sure my personal and business worlds haven’t collapsed overnight.

Favorite book?
If we’re talking business books, The E-Myth Revisited. Personal books, probably Wicked.

Favorite podcast?
Congratulations” by comedian Chris D’Elia.

One Word. What is your life like as an entrepreneur?


Tell us about your business & how it came to be.
I own an onsite hair and makeup company based out of Newport, RI. We do hair and makeup for weddings, events, commercials and corporate shoots. I started my business because I was miserable working for other people.

What does a typical day in your life look like?
It really depends on if I have clients, am on set, am training new makeup artists or have an Admin Day. But no matter what, there are lots of emails, texts and coordinating things for clients and my team, and sometimes my hands are covered in various concealer and eyeshadow shades.


Fill in the blank. I'm on a mission to…
Make my clients feel great and create a lifestyle that I love. It’s a dual mission.


Who inspires you to be the best entrepreneur you can be?
Every other successful entrepreneur who is doin’ the damn thing.


How did you handle fear & doubt when it comes up?
I remind myself how many times fear and doubt have been useless for me, and how things always seem to have a way of working out.


What would you say are the top 3 skills or traits needed to be a successful business owner?
Determination, the ability to clearly communicate and the desire to always improve your company and the client experience.


How do you define success?
Doing a job you enjoy that also gives you freedom (financial freedom, schedule freedom and creative freedom).


What advice would you give to your younger self?
Stop worrying about every little thing; start a good skincare regimen; envision the life you want and make it happen; stop dating guys who are virtually clothed in an outfit made of red flags.

To connect with Allison Barbera directly join us INSIDE THE TRIBE! Become a member today or join the VIP Waitlist at www.hatchtribe.com/memberscircle.

She can also be found on her Website, Facebook, Facebook - Weddings or Instagram.