Hatch Tribe

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Are you playing small?

I’m curious. Does any of this ring true for you?

Are you saying yes when you really want to say no?

Are you putting others needs, including your clients, above and to the detriment of your own?

Are you setting “reasonable” goals instead of really stretching for that big dream?

Are you shooting for $50,000 a year when you really want to make $100,000...or a million?

Every single week I see women holding themselves back and not really going for their dreams. And it really saddens me because...

You will miss 100% of the chances you don’t take.

When I started my very first business ten years ago, I remember being plagued with fear and doubt. I spent a lot of time questioning whether or not it was a huge mistake to leave the “security” of my corporate job. Despite countless hours building spreadsheets and testing the math of it all, a sign didn’t suddenly emerge out of heaven that said “This will absolutely work!”

Fast forward a few years to March 2013. I was producing a music festival and Ed Sheeran was set to perform. We were stoked, but then came the torrential rain, lighting, and flooding. The site was literally under water. Eventually we were able to open the festival, but when all was said and done we lost $30,000 IN ONE DAY. I was crushed, and honestly I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it as a business owner.

Fast forward a few more years. Hatch Tribe was experiencing huge growth in our hometown of Charleston, SC. I loved the community we were creating, but I wanted to be able to serve women beyond Charleston. So we pivoted the direction of our business and invested a ton of time, energy, and money to build the Hatch Tribe Members Circle so we could support women business owners worldwide. Did I know it was going to work? Heck no.

To this day, I still face moments of fear and doubt. I don’t know with 100% certainty if anything is going to work.

But I do know this.

I am not interested in playing small AND I am not interested in dying with regret. And I wish the same for you.

There are no guarantees that you’re going to reach your goals, but if you don’t go for them you definitely won’t.

Yes, change is hard. Growth is uncomfortable. Trying something new brings challenges that can send us scurrying back to our old ways of being and doing.

But it’s worth it. The sweetest rewards are often sitting just beyond our comfort zone.

So do we embrace the fear and shift beyond our own self-limiting beliefs so that we can experience new heights in our life and in our business?

It starts with giving yourself permission to go after that Big Dream!

Why not just try and see what happens?

The truth is none of us are born courageous. It’s learned and developed over time. We gain that courage and confidence by trying and doing.

Remember when you were a kid and you tried things just to see what would happen?

You jumped off rocks. You picked up that worm. You tried to dig a whole to China. You stuck your finger in the light socket and stole liquor bottles out of the cabinet above the fridge (or was that just me?!)

It’s this kind of playfulness and experimentation that really puts fear in its place.

Take a chance on yourself.
Choose to believe that you can.
Prove to yourself what you’re really capable of.

And know this...You are not alone on this journey, unless you choose to be.

Hatch Tribe exists to support women just like YOU who are stepping up & chasing big dreams.

Together we’re proving what can be done. We’re changing the face of what a business ownership looks like. We’re changing women’s right through entrepreneurship. It’s all happening right now and YOU are part of it.

Build the business of your dreams.

Go after that $100k… or $1,000,000. Whatever floats your boat.

Be the person who’s “crazy” enough to try to change the world.

So I only have one question for you...Are you ready to PLAY BIG?


Hilary Johnson is the founder of Hatch Tribe, an organization devoted to cultivating and connecting women entrepreneurs. Born from her own experience navigating the complexities of owning a business, Hatch Tribe aims to help women entrepreneurs launch and grow powerful, purposeful, and profitable businesses, while creating a community that thrives on the idea of being "better together". 

Her passion is helping entrepreneurs translate their great ideas to actionable plans and results. As a coach and mentor, Hilary has worked with businesses through every step of the journey, from the start-up, to the launch, to evolving a well-established enterprise.

Hilary is the author of "A Girls Guide to Surviving the Startup with Your Mind, Body, and Soul Intact", an encouraging read that imparts road-tested wisdom for tackling the inner and outer work of being the boss. When she’s not working you’ll find her traveling the world with a single carry-on bag. Her favorite quote & mantra is “Live Loud. Eat Well. Travel Often”.